Worship Service: Riding the Rollercoaster of Change
Riding the Rollercoaster of Change with Rev. Kellie
This week’s service will be via Zoom and Facebook only.
*We’ll be back to our normal multiplatform services the following week (April 14).
To join us online via Zoom, please use the link below:
Meeting ID: 953 8114 7453 Passcode: 869000
If joining us by phone via Zoom:
Dial 1 312 626 6799 or 1 646 876 9923 and enter Meeting ID: 953 8114 7453 and Passcode: 869000 at prompts.
This service will be recorded and/or live-streamed to Facebook. If you do not want to be included in the recording, please turn off your camera, mute your microphone, and change your name to “MVUUF” (these are all Zoom options once you join the meeting).
Rev. Kellie C. KellyMinister