“A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.“ ~Maya Angelou
Participating in fellowship activities is one of the ways we connect with one another, deepen our relationships, and find joy. Engaging in group activities can help us to learn more about the person “behind a stranger’s face,” fostering our sense of community and helping each of us to grow as human beings.
Some of our activities have been:
- Holiday Dinners (Thanksgiving and Christmas)
- Coffee Hour (after Sunday service)
- Movie Nights
- Sewing Circus
- Smart Choices Lunch Group
- Fun-Raiser events: creative gatherings sponsored by congregants for small groups (like hiking, dinners, teas, game nights, drum circles, etc.)
CASA Volunteer Info Session
Smart Choices Lunch
Coffee With the Minister

Children & Youth Religious Enrichment
In the CYRE Program at MVUUF, our mission is to help children and youth learn, internalize, and apply the UU Principles and Purposes, live ethically and justly, be spiritually fulfilled, be able to make informed decisions about their own beliefs and practices, and be able to articulate their faith.
The primary goals of CYRE are to:
- Teach U principles and purposes.
- Develop UU identity in our children and you and assure that they are able to articulate their faith.
- Promote and model right relations, ethical living, and loving behavior.
- Nurture spirituality as a way of connecting with self, others, nature, and the mystery of life.
- Provide a broad base of experience and knowledge of world religions so that our
children and youth may think critically and make informed decisions regarding individual religious beliefs and practices. - Affirm and promote a sense of belonging and contribution to our multigenerational community.
- Connect with our local and world communities through three types of social justice activities: education & awareness, direct service, and advocacy for systemic change.
We invite you to see what we’re all about! Stop by on Sunday mornings to meet our Director of Religious Education, Somaya Bernard, or contact her at re@mvuuf.org
Children’s Program for Preschool-5th GradersWeekly
Youth Group for Middle & High SchoolWeekly
Easter Planning Party

“Music is the language of the soul.” ~ Inayat Khan, Sufi Philosopher
At MVUUF, instrumental music and congregational singing deepens our worship experience on Sunday mornings. Our songs range from traditional hymns to familiar tunes to contemporary songs. We are fortunate to have many talented volunteers who sing or play guitar, piano, and/or other instruments. In addition to worship, informal music making allows us to connect with one another in smaller groups. All of our music activities and events are open to everyone, regardless of skill or experience.
Acoustic Folk Jam
Acoustic Folk Jam
Acoustic Folk Jam

Religious Enrichment
MVUUF is a very active community. In addition to all-ages activities (like potlucks, movies, and game days), we offer a variety of groups and workshops for adults to deepen their connections with each other and continue their personal faith journey.
Below are a sample of our groups:
- Chalice of the Willow (CUUPS) – This pagan group meets monthly offering a wide range of topics and rituals centered on the Pagan path. Contact Tina Porter at chaliceofthewillow@gmail.com.
- Daytime Book Club – This group meets monthly on Zoom to discuss a selected book. Contact Ann Snively at annsnively@gmail.com.
- Scripture Study – This group meets on Zoom every Sunday to read and discuss scripture from many religious traditions. Contact John Birman at john_bierman@att.net.
- Small Group Ministry – Our small groups meet once a month and allow members to practice deep sharing and listening. Current groups include a Young Adult group, a Men’s group, and several Soul
Matters groups. Contact Rev. Kellie at minister@mvuuf.org - Women’s Group – This weekly group is open to all who identify as female, and they would love to have you join them for one of their
interesting and thought provoking discussions. This group meets on Zoom every Sunday. Contact Diane Colvin at drcolvin6740@yahoo.com - Young Adults Group – Connect with young adults in MVUUF and build bonds with other UU young adults.
Scripture StudyRepeating Event
Women’s GroupRepeating Event
CUUPS’ Discussion GroupRepeating Event

Social Justice
“The one thing we need more than hope is action. Once we start to act, hope is everywhere. So instead of looking for hope, look for action. Then, and only then, hope will come.” ~ Greta Thunberg
Social Justice is core to Unitarian Universalism. The work we do expresses our support for justice, equity, inclusion, and a healthy earth. Our work seeks to dismantle systems of oppression and harm, while acting in collaboration and love with those adversely affected by those systems.
Much of this work is done through small groups within the congregation, very often in partnership with local and state organizations, both faith-based and secular. We are always looking for additional group members and one-time volunteers.
If you are interested in joining any of our groups or simply helping out when you can, please contact the group’s leader:
- Immigration Group – We participate in the Miami Valley Immigration Coalition which seeks radical immigration reform by working with and on behalf of those affected by our unjust immigration system. Contact Maureen O’Meara at omearamf@udayton.org.
- Transgender Group – We seek to make MVUUF more inclusive for transgender folx and work to fight transphobia in our schools and state laws. Contact Rene Hick at mgoblueninja@gmail.com.
- Climate & Environmental Group – We are an informal group of congregants who want to connect MVUUF to local and national organizations doing the important work of fighting climate change. No meeting participation is required to be part of this team. Contact Maureen O’Meara at omearamf@udayton.org.
- West Dayton Group – We have an on-going relationship with neighborhoods and organizations on the west side of Dayton, collaborating on infant mortality, early childhood education, food insecurity, and environmental justice. Contact Bob Lewis at bobslewis@hotmail.com.
- The Castle Group – We provide and serve lunch on the third Monday of the month at this Centerville social club for adults with mental illness. We also visit throughout the month. If you would like to assist with lunch, contact Lynn Buffington abufflg@gmail.com. If you would like to visit, contact Mike Fanelli at fanellimike@aol.com.
In addition to supporting our groups, our Social Justice Committee has a lot going on:
- We organize congregational participation in annual community events like the Dayton MLK March, Dayton Pride, and Dayton Black Pride.
- We coordinate the congregation’s selection of recipients for the Sunday Sharing the Offering.
- We are exploring congregational climate crisis response with members and with UU Justice Ohio (UUJO) and UU’s for Social Justice.
- Along with our Settled Minister, Rev. Kellie Kelly, our committee promotes anti-racism through workshops, book discussions, speakers, and local witness at protests.
- Our Affiliated Community Minister, Rev. Alice Diebel, and others focus on democracy in collaboration with Miami Valley Votes.
We invite all congregants to attend our committee meetings (third Monday of the month at 6:30pm via Zoom), participate in events/actions, and help shape MVUUF’s social justice work. We need everyone’s voices. If you’re interested in getting involved and can’t attend a meeting or event, please contact Bill Ross at ROSSVIVA@hotmail.com or Lynn Buffington at ABUFFLG@gmail.com.
CASA Volunteer Info Session
Social Justice CommitteeRepeating Event
UUA Transgender/Non-Binary Monthly GatheringRepeating Event
“A welcoming, supportive community dedicated to spiritual growth and healing in the world.”

Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship