Worship Service

Our minister, Rev. Kellie Kelly, welcomes everyone, (including you!), at the start of each service with these words:
Breathe in this day, this space, this community.
Whoever you are, wherever you are on your life journey, whatever mistakes you’ve made along the way, you are welcome here.
Whomever you love, wherever you were born, whatever gender you express, you are welcome here.
Whatever your skin color, whatever your class location, whatever your abilities, you are welcome here.
We are so glad that you chose Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship as your place of worship this morning.
We came together for worship in order to slow down and listen for the calling of our hearts━our spirits.
We come together for worship to remember we are not alone and that we are better when we are together.
We come together for worship so that we can be reminded of our highest aspirations and continue to transform ourselves into our best selves.
With love as our guide, and with hope for tomorrow, we come together to celebrate life and our service to the world.”
Worship For All Ages: Stuffed Animal Service
Neighboring Faiths–Session One
Sermon Podcast
A (mostly!) weekly podcast of sermons presented at our Sunday Worship Services.
Most weeks our services are in-person, online via Zoom and Facebook Live, and on the phone using Zoom dial-in number. Occasionally, our services are available only online and on the phone.

Worship Services at MVUUF include...
- Engaging Sunday Services
- Sharing of Joys and Sorrows
- Greeting Neighbors
- Stories for All Ages
- Inspiring Music
- Donating to Humanitarian Causes
- Heart Moving Sermons
…and many opportunities to express and deepen your spirituality.
Experience a questioning mindset in an accepting atmosphere! Worship services and activities reflect the diverse sources of our religious beliefs.

“A welcoming, supportive community dedicated to spiritual growth and healing in the world.”

Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship