
How Governance Works at MVUUF

MVUUF operates using a program church model. We have a board that has responsibility for oversight, policy, mission, and leadership development, and a program council responsible for developing and implementing our programs.

We made this shift in our bylaws to a program model in 2006 by a congregational vote after several years of planning. The model creates the structures needed for membership growth. See our Organizational Chart.

In 2008 we developed and approved a Covenant of Right Relations which guides us in all interactions, personal or business.

Other Governance documents:

:heart:**SUNDAY SERVICE**:heart:
The service this Sunday will be multi-platform: onsite as well as on Zoom and Facebook Live. If you are joining us by Zoom, you may use the blue bar below to join us live at 1PM!
:heart:**MISSED A SUNDAY SERVICE?**:heart:
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:heart:**SUNDAY SERVICE**:heart:
The service this Sunday will be multi-platform: onsite as well as on Zoom and Facebook Live. If you are joining us by Zoom, you may use the blue bar below to join us live at 1PM!
:heart:**MISSED A SUNDAY SERVICE?**:heart:
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