
At some point in your faith journey, you may begin to feel you would like to be more than a guest here at MVUUF. You may feel that this has become your spiritual home, a community with whom you share values, a place to raise your children, a hub for involvement in social justice, a support in time of need, and a place to make connections and build relationships.

Miami Valley Unitarian Univeralist Fellowship

What is like to be a member...

Becoming a member means you are entering into a covenant with MVUUF – or making a promise and commitment to becoming a Unitarian Universalist and all that implies. Although we have no set doctrine or prescribed beliefs, we do have shared principles. When you sign the membership book, you are saying you are in agreement with those principles and our vision and mission statements. It also means you will do your best to live out those principles both inside the fellowship and in the greater community.

Membership means you covenant to do your best to:

Membership also has its privileges. These privileges include:

Path to Membership

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:heart:**SUNDAY SERVICE**:heart:
The service this Sunday will be multi-platform: onsite as well as on Zoom/Facebook. If you are joining us by Zoom, you may use the blue bar below to join us live at 1PM!
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:heart:**SUNDAY SERVICE**:heart:
The service this Sunday will be multi-platform: onsite as well as on Zoom and Facebook. If you are joining us by Zoom, you may use the blue bar below to join us live at 1PM!
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