Pastoral Care


We need each other now more than ever.


Our Care Team seeks to offer support and/or practical care to MVUUF members and friends when they are experiencing distress. Situations include, but are not limited to, illness; surgery; financial strain; loneliness; loss of loved one through death, end of relationship, or distance; the COVID pandemic, burnout, and more.


We are looking for team members who are compassionate and can maintain confidentiality. No other other skills or experience necessary– Rev. Kellie will offer any training needed.


Some of the Care Team roles include pastoral care, food pantry, meals, transportation, holiday giving tree, memorial service refreshments and support, and Joys & Sorrows cards.


HOW: If you are interested in any of the Care Team roles, please contact Rev. Kellie via email

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“A welcoming, supportive community dedicated to spiritual growth and healing in the world.”

Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

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