Vigil for Nex Benedict (online)

Vigil for Nex Benedict (online)

On February 7th, Nex Benedict, a non-binary trans student in Owasso, OK was jumped by three students at school in the bathroom. The next day, Nex experienced shallow breathing, collapsed and died.

Each year, the names of those who have died as part of gender-based violence, for living their lives, as trans and non-binary are remembered on the Transgender Day of Remembrance. One thing about these names is that there has been a sharp increase in how young the people are. Nex is an example of this deep loss for all our communities.

To remember Nex and resist the assigning of low value to trans and non-binary lives in our society, many trans and non-binary folx are gathering with their allies across the country in vigils.
This Friday’s gathering is being led by the UUA’s Uplift Ministries, facilitated by Jess Hunt and Rev. Steven Leigh Williams. Chaplains will also be available.
If you would like pastoral support, please contact Rev. Kellie at If you have friends or family who need support, Rev. Kellie is available for your loved ones, too.


Feb 23 2024


8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 23 2024
  • Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM


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