Discussion Regarding the Purchase Offer on Our Building (Discussion #3)
As you may have read in our February Forum, on JAN 22nd the congregation voted overwhelmingly in favor to authorize the MVUUF Board to proceed with selling our current home. At that meeting, the Board said they would notify the congregation of Board meetings considering any purchase offers. All are welcome to attend Board meetings.
If you have not yet attended a discussion, there is still an opportunity to do so: Tuesday, FEB 20th, 6-7:00 PM, on Zoom; the link is listed below:
If you cannot attend any of these discussions, or have questions after attending, please feel free to contact one of our Board members:
Antonia Harter (President) antoniaharter@gmail.com
Bill Ross (Vice-President) rossviva@hotmail.com
Catherine Queener (Trustee A) cqofdayton@gmail.com
Art Busch (Trustee B) jabusch@me.com
Ian Hogan (Treasurer) treasurer@mvuuf.org
Lynn Buffington (Secretary) abufflg@gmail.com
As we have said before, many of us share sadness at the prospect of leaving our current dear home, while recognizing the necessity of clear-eyed decision-making for the long term of MVUUF.