Second Work Session on Governance & Bylaw Revision
This event will take place on Saturday, FEB 8th, from noon until 3:00 PM in the Conference Room.
Interested members are invited to join the board at this work session to continue the efforts begun on JAN 11th identifying bylaw revisions to recommend to the congregation for approval at a future congregational meeting. Revision of our bylaws are needed because of our smaller size, our move from Yankee Street, and other reasons.
There will be Zoom access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81521323250?pwd=YWgxKzlWRnJXZDFiTG9pT1ZYbWIrdz09
Meeting ID: 815 2132 3250 Passcode: 003493
If joining by phone, dial 1 312 626 6799 or 1 646 876 9923 and at the prompts enter the Meeting ID and Passcode.