Thanksgiving Dinner
You are invited to a Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, NOV 28th at 1:00 PM for our Holiday Dinner! We’re thrilled to announce that we have found a location across the street from St. John’s that has a kitchen and NO STAIRS. Hooray!
For the dinner, we will serve turkey, along with pot-luck dishes from members. The dinner is FREE and ALL are welcome, with or without contributions. We will need cranberry sauce, dressing, potatoes & gravy, sweet potatoes, salads, vegetables, rolls & butter, plus apple cider, soft drinks & desserts; set up & clean up volunteers are also needed. Kids are welcome. A Sign-Up Genius link is below:
To reduce clean-up needs and keep our environmental impact low, please bring any dishes, glasses, and silverware that you will need (washing it back at home after the dinner). The Figment Studio does not provide any dishes or cutlery.